Filed under DSC

5 Tips to Manage Student Anxiety When Returning to the Classroom

5 Tips to Manage Student Anxiety When Returning to the Classroom

66% of students are anxious about returning to school, according to the Recovery Village. During COVID-19, many students adjusted to learning from home and being around their families more often. As the world begins to re-open, psychologists are noticing higher general and separation anxiety rates in children as they return to the classroom. (Child Mind Institute). When you prepare your classroom for in-person learning, it is crucial to cater to students’ increased anxiety and foster a learning environment where they feel safe. Continue reading

Staying Connected to Students over the Summer

Staying Connected to Students over the Summer

Studies have shown that students who form connections with their teachers and other staff members in their schools can help them perform better and stay engaged in lessons. This school year was certainly a challenging time for educators to build relationships with students they couldnt see in person, but that didnt stop them from finding … Continue reading

Everything you need to know about UnConferences

Everything you need to know about UnConferences

Unconferences first started popping up in 1998, and have been a fun and unconventional way of hosting conferences ever sense. While in person unconferences are still on hold, we are excited to be hosting our very own in our Virbela campus starting in May! Before that starts, we thought we would tell you a bit … Continue reading

Pro Tips for Virtual Event Success

Pro Tips for Virtual Event Success

With in person events being cancelled until at least the start of 2021, many organizations have been turning to virtual events in order to still interact with their audience and share meaningful connection. In July we hosted our own virtual event, and here are the top 4 lessons we learned: Continue reading

VirBELA Tips and Tricks

VirBELA Tips and Tricks

Our world and our education spaces are shifting to accommodate this new normal and it only makes sense that we adapt and adjust. Education events have had to be taken virtually in order to ensure that we are still able to have conversations surrounding education and make connections. Here at The Douglas Stewart Company, we … Continue reading