Tagged with flipped classroom

Flipped Classrooms: The Good and the Bad

Flipped Classrooms: The Good and the Bad

We’ve been hearing about flipped classrooms for quite some time now. Schools who have implemented it find their students being more successful because they have hands on time with the teacher to work on problems they run into. However, with everything good, there are always some problems we run into. Here are some pros and … Continue reading

Flipped Learning – Best Practices

Flipped Learning – Best Practices

As the prevalence of flipped learning continues to grow and various new approaches emerge, it’s important to remember that proper planning and experimentation are critical to the successful implementation of a flipped learning model. To maximize the effectiveness of flipped learning, your customers should take into account the following practices: Set clear, up-front expectations It’s … Continue reading

Different Approaches to Flipped Learning

Different Approaches to Flipped Learning

Flipped Learning has become one of the hottest trends in education over the past few years, with no signs of slowing down soon. A key element of Flipped Learning is creating a flexible classroom environment in which students are able to learn in a way that’s best for them. But how do educators create such … Continue reading

The Growth of Flipped Learning (Infographic)

The Growth of Flipped Learning (Infographic)

With the rise of mobile learning in the classroom educators are increasingly shifting away from “traditional” teaching models towards a more flexible approach. One approach that has gained widespread popularity is the flipped classroom. In a flipped classroom strategy the traditional instructional content is delivered outside of the classroom, and “homework” activities take place in … Continue reading

Swivl – The Personal Cameraman for Flipping Classrooms

Introducing the Swivl – a robotic video accessory for mobile devices that records and follows the user’s every move. We’re extremely excited to add Swivl to our mobile learning ecosystem, because video in the classroom is central to the mobile learning experience as a powerful tool for delivering content, sharing information, improving instruction and enhancing … Continue reading

The Flipped Classroom

Education is moving irreversibly towards personalized, tech-driven instruction models. One of the most compelling models to arise out of this trend is the flipped classroom model. Our dear friends at Techsmith define the flipped classroom as follows: A reversed teaching model that delivers instruction at home through interactive, teacher-created videos and moves “homework” to the … Continue reading