Tagged with creativity

The Importance of Teaching Creativity

The Importance of Teaching Creativity

Creativity is a needed skill for the modern workforce. According to the Future of Jobs report by World Economic Forum, complex problem solving, social skills, and process skills are the top three skills that students will need to succeed in the future. As more and more positions are being moved from human workers to machines, … Continue reading

What are “Genius Hours”?

What are “Genius Hours”?

Genius hours are a fairly new trend in education. The concept behind them is simple- students have one hour a week to explore and learn about whatever they want. The idea is that giving students the freedom to explore the topics they are passionate about helps them stay engaged and retain information. Continue reading

Computational Thinking: The Skill Set for the Future

Computational Thinking: The Skill Set for the Future

As we mentioned in our previous blog post “What’s Ahead for EdTech in 2019”, schools will be focused on developing students’ computational thinking skills with the help of robotics and coding. What is Computational Thinking? Computational thinking is a problem-solving skill that focuses on critical and logical thinking. It’s about solving problems systematically, then reaching … Continue reading

7 Ways to Support Teaching with Video

7 Ways to Support Teaching with Video

People of all generations are turning to video to learn new skills, get inspiration, and help with fixing something. The same is true in the classroom. Teachers are filming lessons, so students can look back at the lesson after class, showing videos in class to help students better understand concepts, and using video to keep … Continue reading

How to Prepare Students for the Job Market

How to Prepare Students for the Job Market

For students to stay competitive in the changing job market, there are key skills they need to learn. Students need to start developing these skills as early as pre-kindergarten. These skills include learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills. Learning skills teach students how to adapt and improve upon a modern work environment. These skills … Continue reading

Why STEM Classes and Careers Lack Girls

Why STEM Classes and Careers Lack Girls

STEM careers are common in today’s world but we are lacking girls in the field. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the number of jobs for technology professionals will have the highest growth until 2030. To better understand why girls and women lose interest in STEM subjects and careers, Microsoft conducted research on 6,000 … Continue reading