Filed under Visual Learning

Meet the players of Education 4.0

Meet the players of Education 4.0

Ready to meet the players of Education 4.0? If you are interested in learning more about these vendors be sure to visit their booth at the Education 4.0 Virtual event! Adobe: Creativity for All Kids today live and breathe technology. Adobe can help you develop media-rich coursework to keep them engaged. But more importantly, Adobe … Continue reading

Gaming the Education System

Gaming the Education System

  What is gamification? Gamification is a technique that leverages people’s natural desires for socializing, competition, achievement, status, self-expression, altruism or closure. The idea is to apply game-design thinking in non-game applications, and in education that usually means applying game-based concepts to content in order to meet specific learning outcomes. How does gamification help people … Continue reading

Why is Visual Learning Important?

Why is Visual Learning Important?

Educators are finding that visual learning is helping students succeed in class. Let’s take a look at how visual learning is making an impact.  Contact your account manger today to see what products DSC offers that support visual learning.