Tagged with classroom

Preparing for the 2020-2021 School Year

Preparing for the 2020-2021 School Year

As the world continues to adjust to the impact that COVID-19 has had on all aspects of our daily lives, schools are making plans for next year. In this challenging time, no one can be fully sure when students will return, but most are certain it will not be until the start of the 2020-2021 academic year if not a bit later. In order to best be prepared for a healthy and safe return to school, there are a few things that schools will need. Continue reading

Here to Help with Online Learning Needs

Here to Help with Online Learning Needs

The Douglas Stewart Company and our vendor partners know that this is an extremely challenging and uncertain time for everyone. We are committed to providing the help and support that our reseller partners and their schools need. We compiled a comprehensive list of our vendor partners who have created specific support and free resources for … Continue reading

Top 5 Reasons Schools Need Esports Teams

Top 5 Reasons Schools Need Esports Teams

Esports is taking the world ─ and schools ─ by storm. With a year-over- year growth rate of over 800%, and an audience base that is set to double over the next 6 years, It is clear that the esports industry isn’t going anywhere, and with some universities across the United States offering scholarships, esports … Continue reading

What are Principals Saying About Technology in Schools?

What are Principals Saying About Technology in Schools?

As children become more “plugged in”, principals have been tasked with a difficult decision—how can educators use these devices while also balancing their potentially harmful effects. While technology can help prepare students for success in school and beyond, things like screen time and social media are weighing heavily on principals’ minds as they decide whether to invest in more tech-based products. Continue reading