Tagged with edtech trends

What you need to know about Blended Learning

What you need to know about Blended Learning

As schools start preparing for next year, it is clear they need a plan that balances online learning with the traditional classroom. Blended learning has been rising in popularity for years, and now promises to help schools shift and strengthen their lesson planning for the future. What is blended learning? The Oxford Dictionary defines blended … Continue reading

What are “Genius Hours”?

What are “Genius Hours”?

Genius hours are a fairly new trend in education. The concept behind them is simple- students have one hour a week to explore and learn about whatever they want. The idea is that giving students the freedom to explore the topics they are passionate about helps them stay engaged and retain information. Continue reading

How is 5G set to change the classroom?

How is 5G set to change the classroom?

What is 5G? 5G is the fifth generation of wireless communication and it’s just beginning to roll out around the world. It promises speeds up to 20 times faster than 4G connections, more bandwidth and more stable connections. All four wireless carriers have begun using 5G in the U.S., and 5G phones are available to … Continue reading

Computational Thinking: The Skill Set for the Future

Computational Thinking: The Skill Set for the Future

As we mentioned in our previous blog post “What’s Ahead for EdTech in 2019”, schools will be focused on developing students’ computational thinking skills with the help of robotics and coding. What is Computational Thinking? Computational thinking is a problem-solving skill that focuses on critical and logical thinking. It’s about solving problems systematically, then reaching … Continue reading