Filed under emerging technology

Meet the Panelists of Education 4.0

Meet the Panelists of Education 4.0

The Education 4.0 Virtual Conference is only a week away! If you’ve been curious to get to know our panelists a bit more, now is your chance! Be sure to stop by our virtual event on July 22 and 23 to hear them speak, and connect with them on all things Education 4.0.  Amie Souder– … Continue reading

Meet the players of Education 4.0

Meet the players of Education 4.0

Ready to meet the players of Education 4.0? If you are interested in learning more about these vendors be sure to visit their booth at the Education 4.0 Virtual event! Adobe: Creativity for All Kids today live and breathe technology. Adobe can help you develop media-rich coursework to keep them engaged. But more importantly, Adobe … Continue reading

eLearning and COVID-19 Posts

eLearning and COVID-19 Posts

Recently here on VAR Connection, we have been writing a lot about eLearning and COVID-19. We have seen the impact this virus has had education and our communities, and we want to offer as much support and insight as possible during this time.We have compiled all of our posts about eLearning here, and will continue to update this post as we write more. Continue reading

5 Ed Tech Solutions for Distance Learning

5 Ed Tech Solutions for Distance Learning

With COVID-19 cases on the rise, schools across the globe are turning to distance learning to keep their students on track and safe. On top of regular hand washing and not touching your face, in some areas the CDC has recommended that those who can stay home do. Schools are turning to distance learning to ensure this is possible. While it may seem daunting to restructure classrooms on such short notice, today’s ed tech makes it possible. Here are our top 5 solutions for distance learning. Continue reading

Everything You Missed at TCEA 2020

Everything You Missed at TCEA 2020

THE TRENDS Esports – It’s what literally EVERYONE is talking about, and for good reason! In Texas school districts alone, esports programs grew from about 20 to more than 300 in the span of a few months leading up to TCEA 2020. Teachers and students are getting increasingly excited about the STEAM curriculum possibilities both … Continue reading

Exclusive EdTech during TCEA

Exclusive EdTech during TCEA

The Emerging Tech in STEAM Education Showcase will include many vendors that you won’t see on the exhibit floor during TCEA. The event is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5 from 2-7 p.m. and will include speaking sessions on hot topics in education, as well as food truck eats and free drinks! Teachers can make connections … Continue reading

Top 5 Reasons Schools Need Esports Teams

Top 5 Reasons Schools Need Esports Teams

Esports is taking the world ─ and schools ─ by storm. With a year-over- year growth rate of over 800%, and an audience base that is set to double over the next 6 years, It is clear that the esports industry isn’t going anywhere, and with some universities across the United States offering scholarships, esports … Continue reading

What are Principals Saying About Technology in Schools?

What are Principals Saying About Technology in Schools?

As children become more “plugged in”, principals have been tasked with a difficult decision—how can educators use these devices while also balancing their potentially harmful effects. While technology can help prepare students for success in school and beyond, things like screen time and social media are weighing heavily on principals’ minds as they decide whether to invest in more tech-based products. Continue reading