How to Choose Technology for the Classroom

K-12 educational institutions are looking for new digital tools and devices to help improve student success and engagement while fostering collaborative learning environments. Finding the right technology to capture students’ attention can be challenging. Here are some tips on how to advance your technology integration.

Identify goals.

Before browsing all the tools and resources available, establish a clear vision for what the school wants to achieve. What are the individual learning objectives and outcomes of each subject? What specific skills and attributes do you want your students to develop? Narrowing down these objectives will help you determine technology is necessary for success.

Simple to use and reliable.

Educators may hesitate to plan lessons using digital display or software if it proves to be unreliable or offers disruptions to the classroom. It needs to work every day, during every class, without requiring assistance or special procedures that take up class time.

Student’s needs.

Each grade level has different technology needs and are constantly shifting. It is important to identify what are the specific skills, knowledge, and attitudes students need to develop. Identify how familiar each grade level is with technology, and the services’ grade levels to see if it is the right match.

Classroom conditions

Consider the technology capacity of each classroom. Whether it is a 1-to-1 classroom or 1-to-4 classroom, make sure there’s enough space and electrical capacity. Take into consideration if there is enough room for more engaging and interactive technology that the students can use.

Explore and Experiment

Keep an open mind towards technology tools and resources. Since technology is constantly evolving and changing, so are schools’ goals, needs, and skillsets. Keep up to date with the latest trends and developments in technology and education to find what best aligns with school’s needs.

What do you consider when choosing technology in the classroom?


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