4 Security Tips for Cyber Security Month

Many schools leverage several different hardware and devices, which leads to different types of operating systems that must be supported. In honor of August being Cyber Security Awareness Month, here are 4 security tips to keep schools protected.

1.Passcode enforcement

This is often the first level of defense. There are many different types of password policy enforcement that require you to log on to a device, such as Jamf Pro and Yubikey. Admins can enforce a complex passcode and require it to be changed every so often. Having a passcode on will help with data and privacy security that is located on the device.

2. 2-step authentication

This is a powerful approach to security, offering an extra layer of protection and is used often. This is implemented to better protect both a user’s credentials and the resources they can access. This is best for remote people having to access the school system or high security needs within the school.

3. Educate staff members frequently and thoroughly.

Many schools rely on once-a-year cyber security training or focus narrowly on a specific issue, like not posting student information online. Education programs need to be more comprehensive and ongoing throughout the year. For example, educate members on fraudulent emails and send out notices when things pop up recurringly, or partner with companies to help touch on specific issues that are happening periodically.

4. Filter information coming into the school.

Having website filters and blocks decreases the possibilities of hackers accessing the schools’ technology through the web. In addition, many also employ geofencing for school emails, preventing emails from outside of the U.S. from coming through. Restricting iCloud and other storage services can also decrease risk.

What are some other cyber security tips that your school implements?



https://home.edweb.net/cyber-security-strategies-for-schools/ https://www.emergingedtech.com/2017/06/10-tips-for-keeping-schools-safe-from-ransomware/

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