DEI Tips for the Classroom

Classrooms are getting more and more diverse every year, so it is important for teachers to keep up with their students and provide them with resources and learning opportunities that foster safe, open, and diverse learning environments.

DEI plays a pivotal role in this, ensuring that every student, regardless of their background, has an equal opportunity to thrive. Here are some benefits and tips on integrating DEI into the classroom.

Benefits of a DEI classroom:

  • Richer learning environment: Diverse classrooms bring together an array of experiences, perspectives, and ideas. This richness fosters dynamic discussions, encourages students to challenge their preconceptions, and offers a more integrated view of topics.
  • Enhanced student development: Exposure to diverse peers and educators helps students develop interpersonal skills, cultural awareness, and adaptability – skills that are invaluable in today’s interconnected world.
  • Fostering Critical Thinking, Empathy, and Global Awareness: DEI encourages students to question, analyze, and think critically about the world around them. By engaging with diverse perspectives, students learn to evaluate information from multiple angles, honing their critical thinking skills, while fostering empathy towards different backgrounds.
  • Influencing Aspirations: Diverse role models in educational leadership not only inspire students but also influence their aspirations. They provide tangible proof that barriers can be overcome, dreams can be achieved, and that every voice has value.

Tips for DEI in the classroom:

  • Diversify your curriculum: It is important to include resources that feature a diverse cast of people, regardless of unit of study. Instead of just using white male figures within the curriculum, include a spectrum of multicultural and female experts, writers, and artists. You’ll more accurately represent the different contributors to your class’s subject, and potentially establish a cultural connection for your students. This not only provides a richer learning experience but also ensures that students see a part of themselves reflected in what they learn.
  • Establish an inclusive environment early: Clarify early in the term that you want to create an inclusive space for students. This can be through inclusive technology that you show off to your classroom and let them decide how they use it or have a variance of resources for a topic that students can go through to learn the material in the best way that fit their learning style (power points, handouts, articles, notes). Find a good fit for your classroom to accommodate different learning styles and abilities.
  • Be willing to address inequality: Part of supporting diversity in the classroom is creating a safe space for students and educators to talk about how issues of discrimination affect them on a personal, classroom- and school-wide level. When having these discussions, use language that promotes positivity and doesn’t reinforce existing stereotypes, respond immediately and effectively to inappropriate comments or actions, and model inclusion and acceptance towards your class.
  • Be dynamic with classroom space: You can foster inclusion in the classroom through how you engage your students, starting with your use of space. Consider classroom set-ups that emphasize interaction, such as group seating. Also, consider where you position yourself. Moving among students may de-emphasize the teacher-student hierarchy and stimulate more discussion. Similarly, try varying your activities. Whether it’s group, paired or individual work, when you arrange students in different formations, you may increase their engagement with each other, and the class material.

Diversity brings richness to learning experiences; equity ensures that every student has the tools to succeed; and inclusion fosters a sense of belonging and community. Start slowly and intentionally, adapting your teaching style to fit the needs of your students. Don’t be afraid to admit when you don’t know the answer, but always try to keep learning and growing. Listen to what others around you are saying and look for feedback and ways to continuously improve. 

What are some other ways you bring DEI into the classroom? Let us know in the comments!


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