Preparing for Spring Assessments

Spring testing season can be a stressful time—for both students and teachers. But if you start planning now, you can have a roadmap to keeping your entire school or district motivated and prepared for the challenges ahead. Here are some tips on preparing for spring assessments.

Address testing anxiety

According to the American Test Anxiety Association, 40% of students have moderate to high test anxiety. So, what can you do? Build coping strategies and healthy habits in your students such as: practicing controlled breathing, getting some sleep, eating a nutritious meal before a test, creating a calming environment, and imagining positive outcomes.

Most of all, build students’ confidence for test taking by letting them know there’s no magical solution. They have been taking tests their entire lives and these spring assessments are no different.

Suggestions on “What” to Study

Many students think that studying is just re-reading the textbook chapters. So how do we help students become more effective in their study time? Tell them exactly where to spend their time.

Instructor recommendations on which topics or material to review, or which specific chapters they should study are incredibly helpful for students. If you have handouts, PPT decks, notes, or classroom assignments that you can put online or hand out in class, give them out to your students as study prep materials.

Quizzes or Practice Exams

First, understand which type of test the students will be taking. Online or in-person, multiple choice, or short answer, then base quizzes and tests in that same format. Set up “assessment-like” materials for students to use as a run-through. This will help familiarize them with the content and the conditions they’ll face on a real day. Setting example of the real thing will help lower student anxiety and better prepare them for the assessment.

Suggest Study Groups

Study groups can be extremely helpful for exam preparation. Depending on your course, study groups can be optional or required. But you may want to establish a few study groups that meet after class or online to share notes or work on problems together. To further motivate students, offer study group participation in exchange for a few extra bonus points.

Check out more ways to prepare your students for spring assessment:

What is your go-to method for preparing students for spring assessments?


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