4 Ways to Take Better Notes

Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well on all your schoolwork — everything from taking tests to researching a paper. Here are some tips on how to take better notes.

Compare notes. Keep your notes handy when you’re doing your reading assignments. Compare what you wrote with what the readings say — you can add to your notes as you read.

Going over your notes with a friend and comparing what the two of you put down can help reinforce what you’re learning. It also can help you remember information when it’s time for the test. And going over your notes will alert you and your friend to any errors.

Be a good listener. To take effective notes, you need to have excellent listening skills and good judgment. Cut down on distractions by sitting near the front of the room. This will make it easier for you to see and hear the professor, and perhaps more importantly, for them to see you.

Taking good notes does not mean writing down everything your instructor says. Trying to transcribe the lecture likely means you won’t process any of the information you’re receiving. It is your job to discern what is important enough to write in your notes, a skill that can take some practice.

Try visual notes. Studies show that students who use visual note-taking tactics like sketch notes, concept maps, and graphic organizers process information more deeply, retain significantly more of what they’ve learned, and sharpen their higher-order thinking skills too.

Using graphs and drawing out topics can help retention. Color organization and bullet journaling can also help decipher different topics and subject matters to be able to study quickly and effectively.

Online platforms. There are plenty of online platforms to help organize and refine note taking. Mind Manager quickly captures and transforms ideas into clear, customizable mind maps, flowcharts, and timelines to efficiently organize schoolwork.

Livescribe is a smart pen to make note taking easy and accessible from paper to computer. With a simple app, keep all your notes where you need them most – transforming handwritten notes to text and search through them effortlessly and audibly.

What are some other ways you take notes that helps you retain information?





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