5 Insights to Rebound from COVID-19 Learning Loss

These 5 insights can inspire ways to accelerate learning this fall and give every student their best chance at academic success. We’d love to hear from you — add a tip of your own in the comments below!

Infographic on 5 Insights to Rebound from COVID-19 Learning Loss

Infographic text:

Remote and hybridized COVID-19 schooling translated into a vastly different learning experience for many U.S. children. Returning to school this fall represents a fresh beginning for teachers to help students rebound from learning loss. To give all students their best chance at success, teachers should customize lessons to combat personalized knowledge gaps. Here are 5 important considerations to accelerate learning for every student.

Make-Data Driven Decisions

Expect summer slide to be compounded this year with additional COVID-19 learning loss. In this crucial year of academic catch-up, tools for conducting routine formative assessments provide teachers with timely, actionable updates they can use to meet students’ evolving needs.

Increase Instruction Time

Many kids lost out on quality instruction time as teachers transitioned from in-person lessons to online formats. Adding structured after-school or weekend programs or offering one-on-one tutoring can address individualized learning gaps and speed up academic recovery.

Give Students Ownership of their Learning

Teachers can empower students and get them invested in their academic success by co-creating lessons with them. Personalizing education can include letting students tackle topics in different sequences, study topics of interest in greater depth, or work on projects that allow them to explore career interests.

Stay Connected

Communicating with students regularly about their progress during this recovery year will be essential. Tools that allow for impromptu in-person or remote conferences with students let teachers quickly answer questions, provide feedback, and offer support to keep them moving forward.

Provide Emotional Support

Creating a safe and welcoming environment is even more crucial in a post-COVID world. Teacher can add SEL activities like reading stories aloud and discussing character’s emptions, performing daily check-ins, journaling, or making art to relieve stress and draw kids back into learning.





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